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How Can I Find an Emergency Dentist Near Me for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

I’ve been looking for an emergency dentist near me to manage a wisdom tooth that aches occasionally. I’m 32 and have all my wisdom teeth. Only one began to ache early last year. I had a wisdom teeth evaluation from an oral surgeon who says that three wisdom teeth are impacted, although I don’t have symptoms. The roots of one tooth are near a nerve, but the surgeon said nerve damage risk is low. He may leave the root.  I’m not ready to have the teeth removed, though. All the dentists I called said they don’t do emergency wisdom teeth extraction. Can I wait until the tooth is really bothering me? I’m anxious and don’t want to sit through tooth extractions before I need them. I just need to find a dentist who will pull the wisdom teeth when I’m ready. – Thanks. Xander from IL



As you age, wisdom teeth roots thicken, and your jawbone around them hardens. The longer you wait, the more challenging it is to remove wisdom teeth. The risks of complications or nerve damage increase as you age.

How Can You Find an Emergency Dentist Near You for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You probably won’t find an emergency dentist near you willing to assume the risks of impacted wisdom teeth removal. Most general dentists will not remove impacted wisdom teeth. Also, a dentist would need to complete an evaluation of your wisdom teeth and review your digital X-rays to see the location of tooth roots near the nerves. The dentist would likely refer you to an oral surgeon.

What Can an Emergency Dentist Near Me Help With?

An emergency dentist near you can help if you have a toothache infection, trauma to a tooth, a broken tooth, or a lost dental restoration, such as a crown or filling. Scheduling an emergency visit with a dentist can prevent an infection from getting worse or save a traumatized tooth before it’s too late.

Removing Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted third molar for which a patient wants to see an emergency dentist near me
Impacted third molar (wisdom tooth)

An oral surgeon can anticipate the best way to remove your impacted wisdom teeth. Sometimes, a surgeon may dissect a tooth in pieces to make removal easier. We advise you to allow a surgeon to remove your wisdom teeth before they become problematic.

When a wisdom tooth’s root is near a nerve, a surgeon may wait until performing surgery to determine whether to leave the root or a root tip. Usually, leaving a small root tip in the socket does not present problems later.

Regarding your anxiety, a skilled oral surgeon will numb the surgical sites and remove all four wisdom teeth in minutes. Additionally, dentists and oral surgeons explain sedation options to relax you during dental procedures.

Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, a Rocky Hill, Connecticut dentist, sponsors this post.

How Long Can I Take Ibuprofen for a Toothache?

Man in pain with a toothache portraying ibuprofen use and need for an emergency dentistHow long can I take ibuprofen for a toothache? I have put off seeing a dentist for the past three months for an upper right toothache. I think that I have waited too long because it’s throbbing now. The pain went from moderate to severe over the weekend. I am leaving next week for a vacation in Seattle to see family and friends and will be there for three weeks. I am concerned that I might need a root canal. If I see a dentist now, I might miss my trip, but I don’t want to go to an out-of-state emergency room for a toothache. You probably can tell that I have dental anxiety, which is why I have delayed treatment. Can I keep taking ibuprofen for three weeks until I return? Thank you. Brad from NH


Thank you for your question. Your concerns about your toothache and how long you can use ibuprofen to minimize the discomfort are valid.

How Long Can You Take Ibuprofen for a Toothache?

According to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Ibuprofen Drug Facts Label, you should stop taking the drug if the pain worsens or lasts more than ten days. Taking too much ibuprofen increases these risks:

  • Severe bleeding
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Kidney damage

Also, the FDA warns that long-term continuous ibuprofen use increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

When Does a Toothache Become an Emergency?

A toothache becomes an emergency when you have prolonged, nagging pain from decay or trauma. But a hospital emergency room cannot resolve the cause of your toothache. Only a dentist can x-ray your tooth and determine whether you have a tooth infection or abscess, and only a dentist can provide the treatment you need.

See a Dentist for a Prolonged Toothache

If you have a prolonged toothache, schedule an appointment with a dentist. Many general dentists leave time in their daily schedule to see patients with dental emergencies. If you call after-hours, you can leave a message, and an on-call dentist will contact you. If you need root canal treatment, you may be able to find a dentist to schedule it before your departure.

Without dental care, you can experience the following complications:

  • The tooth infection will spread
  • The infection can affect other teeth or your bone
  • You may be at risk of losing the tooth

If you cannot see a dentist before your leave for Seattle, rather than seeking a hospital emergency room in Seattle, look for a skilled dentist there willing to examine and x-ray your tooth and provide treatment. Explain your anxiety, and the dentist will discuss sedation options to relax you during treatment.

Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, a Rocky Hill, Connecticut dentist, sponsors this post.



How Long Will It Take to Get Implant Overdentures?

I am anxious about how long it will take to get implant overdnetures. My teeth have deteriorated so much over the past five years that my dentist referred me to a periodontist. Only two of my teeth are worth saving. But my gum disease is so advanced that I decided to go with dentures. I am 62 years old, so the perio told me about dental implants. She was not pushy at all. She just explained how implants might help me. Although I am still deciding, I think I will go with four dental implants for an overdenture. I have not talked to my dentist or the periodontist about my anxiety level. The older I get, the more anxious I become. Although I didn’t fear dental implants in the past, the thought of extractions, possible bone grafting, and implant surgery sometimes causes me to panic. I just want it to be over. I realize that your office is not a specialty office. But can you give me an idea of how much dental work I can get done in one sitting? Thank you. Esther from Nashville


How much dental work a dentist or periodontist will do in one sitting depends on several factors, including the patient’s tolerance, the work to be completed, and whether you receive sedation.

How Long Does It Take to Get Implant Overdentures?

How long it takes to get implant overdentures depends on several factors, including tooth removal, gum and bone health, the number of implants you receive, your health and tolerance, and the specialist’s judgment.

  • Tooth removal – If your periodontist must remove teeth before implant placement, it will lengthen treatment time. Sometimes after tooth removal, a periodontist must build up your bone before placing implants.
  • Gum health – A periodontist will ensure your gums are healthy before placing dental implants. She will treat your gum disease first. Gum disease can lead to jawbone loss, and healthy bone is a requirement for dental implants.
  • Bone health – Besides healthy bone, you need enough bone volume to support dental implants. If you lack jawbone volume, a periodontist will recommend bone grafting to anchor your dental implants. Otherwise, the implants can loosen and fail. After bone grafting, your periodontist may wait three to four months before placing implants.
  • How many implants you receive – An oral surgeon or periodontist places one dental implant at a time. The more implants you receive, the longer the surgery will take. Each implant can take one to two hours to place.
  • Your final implant denture – You will wear a temporary denture until your implants and jawbone fuse. And that can take about four months. Afterward, your dentist will secure the final denture to the implants.

How Sedation Dentistry Affects Your Dental Work

Young woman resting in a hammock portraying how sedation dentistry helps you relax
Ask dentist about sedation options to help you relax while getting implant dentures

When you receive implant overdentures or any dental work, sedation dentistry will help you relax throughout the procedure. Even if you do not have dental anxiety, sedation helps a dentist complete more work than they could without giving you sedation.

After an examination and 3-D x-rays, your periodontist will make a treatment plan. They will explain how much dental work you can expect for each appointment. But sedation dentistry will alleviate your anxiety during each dental visit.


Rocky Hill, Connecticut, dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, sponsors this post.


My New Dentist Is Hesitant About Replacing My Crowns

I agreed to let my former dentist replace my old amalgam fillings with composite fillings or crowns, depending on the size of the cavities and tooth structure. In late March, we started the work, and my dentist placed two fillings and three crowns. The crowns are uncomfortable because they are bulky and press on my gums. My bite is off too. I was stressed because family issues came up and interrupted my dental care. Two weeks ago, the pain was so intense that I decided to call around for a cosmetic dentist who could see me right away. Although the dentist could not do anything at that time, she offered to do free x-rays and a paid exam. I canceled treatment with my former dentist.

The new dentist says that my nerves are irritated, and she does not want to replace the crowns until the nerves heal. She did not explain what is happening with my teeth. I do not understand this, and I am anxious and concerned that I need to switch dentists again. Is nerve irritation related to when I can get crowns replaced—especially if they hurt? How can I find the right dentist? Thanks for your help. Leighann from NH


Thank you for your question. We are concerned about your new dentist’s hesitation to replace your crowns without explaining the source of the issue.

Nerve Irritation with Dental Crowns

If a dentist cuts deeply into teeth when preparing them for crowns, it can irritate tooth nerves. In contrast, removing a crown may be mildly irritating—if at all. After a week or two, tooth nerves should calm down. But the irritation should not linger.

Dental Crown Placement

Dental crowns should fit so comfortably that they feel like natural teeth. Crowns that press on your gums, feel bulky, and disturb your bite are poorly made or placed. It seems that both dentists are uncomfortable with the process.

Young woman resting in a hammock portraying how sedation dentistry helps you relax
Ask a dentist about sedation options to help you relax while getting dental crowns replaced

Unfortunately, it is best to switch dentists again. Instead of scheduling an emergency appointment, this time, select a cosmetic dentist with extensive with post-graduate cosmetic dentistry training. You can consider scheduling consultations with two cosmetic dentists to increase your comfort in choosing a provider for your new crowns. Explain your anxiety to each dentist, and they will discuss sedation options to help you relax during crown replacement.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut cosmetic dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, sponsors this post.

Answers from the Sedation Dentist in Rocky Hill

The sedation dentist in Rocky Hills offers answers to your questions.There are circumstances that demand your undivided attention and wakefulness, like driving. (Free advice: Don’t text and drive!) Other times, you might be better off more relaxed and unaware, such as when you are having a lengthy dental appointment or treatment that is invasive. In these instances, your sedation dentist in Rocky Hill can give you a prescription for a mild sedative to calm your nerves and make you blissfully unaware while he completes necessary dental procedures. But before you swallow that pill, Dr. Michalski would like to answer a few common questions about sedation dentistry.


Your Rocky Hill Dentist has a New and Improved Website

Interior of dental office

At the dental practice of Dr. Thaddeus S. Michalski, we are committed to providing the latest technology, best care, and most convenient access for our patients. As part of our continuing development, you may have noticed we made a few changes to our website. These changes were made with you in mind. We know you have your choice of dental practices in the Rocky Hill, CT area, and we want you to know you’ve chosen the most skilled dental practice that works to fit your schedule and lifestyle. Thank you for your interest in our practice, and for supporting the work we do to put a smile on your face. Call today to schedule an appointment, or find out more about Dr. Michalski’s dental practice.

General Dentistry with a Smile for the Whole Family

We’ve been dedicated to providing you with the most welcoming, comfortable family dentistry experience for years. We’ve always stood out as the leader in dental technology and procedure innovations, and we are at the forefront of “green” dental care. Our office works to conserve energy and water whenever possible, but we’ve invested in the future with renewable energy sources. We use solar panels to produce more than half of our electricity significantly reducing the amount of energy we consume. Our water, heating and air conditioning systems are maintained using three heat pumps that cycle water through wells. This process is known as geo thermal exchange. We are able to use the consistent ground temperature to heat and cool our office, and heat given off by the pumps is used to heat our water.

Additionally, Dr. Michalski commits hours each year to continuing education in numerous areas of general dentistry. Our office is committed to having pure air and reducing toxins so that you and your whole family know you can breathe easy. In everything we do, our practice goes above and beyond to give you the best care. Our website is no exception. Our 2015 website revamp looks great, and reflects our philosophy to offer our patients superior service by helping them meat their dental health care goals in their budget, on their schedule. Beyond the beauty of the new site, we’ve improved the function. Small changes can make a huge difference. We’ve added two links that will appear on every page: a link to request an appointment with us no matter what page you’re looking at, and the other link to the testimonials you’ve given so that new patients can learn more about what you’ve been telling us about our practice.

Restorative, Implant, Cosmetic and Sedation Dentistry

Our general dentistry practice serves the whole family, and offers a full range of dental care options. Our restorative dentistry options to return your smile to its natural strength and beauty, are the best in the area. Dr. Michalski’s dedication to you means that he continues to learn about innovations that can give you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. We are proud to offer the Prettau Bridge. This restoration is a unique, implant supported bridge that will fully restore the form and function of your bite. We also offer numerous dental implants to meet all of your needs, and Dr. Michalski is truly an expert implantologist. He has earned fellowship and diplomat with the International Congress of Implantologists.

Cosmetic dentistry is still not recognized by the American Dental Association as a dental specialization, but that has stopped Dr. Michalski from honing his skills. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and maintains the most up-to-date knowledge of cosmetic dentistry innovations and treatments. Check out our cosmetic service pages, or call today for more information about how we can help you achieve the picture-perfect smile of your dreams.

Sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry is growing in popularity. More than 50% of Americans suffer from some level of dental anxiety, and oral conscious sedation can help. Dr. Michalski offers safe, relaxing sedation for patients with anxiety, strong gag reflexes, those who need extensive dental work, and many other reasons. If you’re interested in finding out more about sedation dentistry, check out our site, and call Dr. Michalski for a consultation.

Find Out More

We invite you to take a look at the great new look and all the cool features of our website update. Remember your comments and requests helped us plan our updates, and we always appreciate your feedback. If you want to find out more about any of our services, or schedule an appointment, call today. Dr. Michalski and his dedicated staff welcome patients from Rocky Hill, Cromwell, Newington, Wethersfield, Berlin, Hartford, and beyond.

Sedation Dentistry: Taking the Fear Out of Your Dental Visits

The sedation dentist in Rocky Hills offers answers to your questions.Fear of the dentist is a common factor in patients of all ages throughout America. Whether you simply feel uncomfortable among the unfamiliar sights and sounds or you had a negative experience with another doctor, we understand and are here to help. At Thaddeus S. Michalski, DMD in Rocky Hill, CT, Dr. Michalski and his team do everything possible to make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed every time you visit our office. One of the services we offer to achieve this is sedation dentistry.

How Can Sedation Dentistry Help You?

For many patients, the anxiety they associate with dental procedures is enough to keep them from making an appointment at all. For others, there are different reasons that dental visits evoke unpleasant feelings. Whatever it is about dental treatment that causes you discomfort or anxious feelings, Dr. Michalski can help with oral conscious sedation. We will provide you with a prescription for a special medicine before your visit, and you’ll take it before your procedure. You’ll need someone you trust to drive you to and from your visit, but the effects should wear off completely within a few hours.

Oral conscious sedation can help patients with the following common problems:

  • An excessively sensitive gag reflex
  • A fear of needles, drills, or other dental equipment
  • The need to complete multiple procedures in one visit
  • A problem with becoming numb with local anesthesia
  • Difficulty lying still for an extended length of time
  • Physical problems that make it uncomfortable to lie down for very long

Finally Relax in the Dental Chair

If you or someone in your family needs help feeling more calm and comfortable in the dental office, Dr. Michalski and our entire team would like to help. Contact our office in Rocky Hill, CT today to speak to our caring, friendly staff and schedule your appointment. We look forward to showing you what a difference our patient-centric approach and gentle touch can make for you. Our family-friendly office proudly welcomes patients from throughout the surrounding areas, including Cromwell, Berlin, Wethersfield, Newington, Hartford, and more.