How Can I Find Affordable Implants for My Pop-Up Denture?
I got a bum pop-up denture from a dental school. I won’t say which school it came from, but now I know I should never have gone the cheap route. The bottom denture pops up whenever I move my tongue, yawn, or cough. I press it back down, and it pops up again. I want to be furious, but I am disappointed with myself for choosing the school. I don’t have much money, but neither am I broke. A friend recommended his dentist, but I chose the dental school figuring the instructors were supervising and I could get a good deal. Now I need affordable implants to hold the denture down. Where do I start? – Thomas from NJ
Thomas – Thank you for your question. We are glad that you are seeking professional advice before getting dental implants. Please begin by avoiding looking for a bargain or the cheapest implants.
How Can You Get Affordable Implants for an Existing Denture?
You may find affordable implants for an existing denture by scheduling a consultation with a skilled implant dentist. The dentist will examine your denture to determine why it lifts and whether the dentist can fit it for implants. Depending on the condition and quality of your denture, a dentist may be able to refit it, or you may need a new denture.
Qualifying for dental implants
Before placing dental implants, a qualified implant dentist will take a 3-D CT scan to see your oral anatomy and bone volume. If you have worn dentures for years, you may have some bone shrinkage. The dentist will determine whether you have enough bone volume or need a bone graft to support the implants. You will get a customized treatment plan to ensure the dentist places your implants precisely and the dentures fit the implants securely.
Getting Dental Implants that Fit Your Denture
After implant surgery, you will wear temporary replacement teeth. In three to four months, your jawbone and implants will fuse. Your implant dentist will take impressions of your mouth to ensure your existing or new denture fits your implants securely.
Expect to pay well for high-quality dentures and implants. Thorough, well-planned implant-supported dentures take time and skill. With patience and a good implant dentist, your frustration will change to satisfaction when you receive a stable, natural-looking smile.
Schedule a consultation with one or two advanced implant dentists to discuss your options and how to make treatment affordable.
Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, a Rocky Hill, Connecticut dentist and Diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologist, sponsors this post.
What If My Child’s Baby Teeth Are Not Falling Out?
My daughter Sophia is six years old and will be seven next January. She still has her baby teeth. The teeth are not loose, so I wonder whether they will fall out or if a dentist needs to intervene. Should I be concerned that her baby teeth are not falling out? Thank you. Zoraida from VT
Zoraida – Thank you for your question. Several factors affect when and which primary teeth fall out and why permanent teeth may not develop.
What If Your Child’s Primary Teeth Are Not Falling Out?
If your child’s primary teeth are not falling out, the reason may depend on your child’s age and which teeth are not falling out. Look at the schedule below to determine whether your child should be losing primary teeth. If the time has passed for your child to lose primary teeth, schedule an appointment with a pediatric or family dentist for an exam and x-rays.
Lower central incisors
Upper central incisors
Upper lateral incisors
Lower lateral incisors
Upper first molars
Lower first molars
Lower canines
Upper canines
Lower second molars
Upper second molars
What Are Reasons that Primary Teeth Do Not Fall Out?
Reasons that a child’s primary teeth do not fall out include:
- Permanent teeth erupting in the wrong position – Permanent teeth should develop beneath primary teeth. Sometimes, they grow in front of or behind primary teeth, fail to push primary teeth roots to help the teeth loosen, and erupt in front of or behind baby teeth instead.
- Severe crowding – Crowded primary teeth can cause a lack of space and prevent proper development and eruption of permanent teeth.
- Undeveloped permanent teeth – Sometimes, permanent teeth do not develop and emerge. Genetics, disease, inadequate nutrition, and other factors can prevent permanent teeth from growing.
What Is the Treatment for Adult Teeth that Do Not Emerge?
When a child’s permanent teeth do not emerge or develop, treatment options depend on the cause of the concerns. A dentist must examine your child’s teeth and take x-rays to determine whether permanent teeth exist and their location.
Treatment options may include:
- Exposing impacted teeth
- Removing primary teeth to make room for permanent ones that are developing in front of or behind them
- Orthodontics
- Artificial tooth replacement, such as dental implants, for permanent teeth that will never develop
Rocky Hill, Connecticut cosmetic dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, sponsors this post.