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Why Are My Dental Crowns the Wrong Color?

My dental crowns are the wrong color. They looked lighter in the dental office. The crowns are for my center front teeth and left incisor. When I was in the dental office, the crowns looked like they matched my other teeth perfectly, so I agreed that my dentist could cement them on. Fortunately, they fit well, and I don’t have any problems with my bite. When I got home, I looked at them in the mirror. The crowns looked like they had a grayish-blue tint and did not match my teeth. I went outside and looked in the mirror but still saw the tint that I did not see in the dental office. I’m confused. Thanks. Tammi


Two dental crowns for molar teethDid your dentist use a try-in paste between the crowns and the teeth beneath them, or were the heights dry?

We ask because if your dentist placed the crowns on your teeth without a try-in paste, they do not transmit the underlying tooth color as they would with a bonding material between the crowns and teeth. A grayish-blue tint can result from a stain or a metal post in a tooth. Some cosmetic dentists use clear glycerin during the try-in to mimic the crown color after it is cemented to a tooth.

Another possibility is metamerism, which means that the color of certain materials varies with the type of light, such as fluorescent light versus daylight. However, high-quality, clear bonding cement does not change color when the dentist cures it by attaching the dental crown to your tooth.

We recommend taking pictures of your teeth in various lighting to show to your dentist. Ask friends or family if they can see the color difference between your new crowns and surrounding natural teeth. Talk to your dentist about your concerns and ask how you can work together to resolve them.

If your dentist’s attempts are unsuccessful, consult an advanced cosmetic dentist for a second opinion.

It is good that your crowns fit well and are not disrupting your bite, contributing to jaw pain and other TMJ concerns. We hope you get a resolution for the color mismatch.


Rocky Hill, Connecticut, cosmetic dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski sponsors this post. Read how he strives to provide patients with some of the best dental care in Rocky Hill.

Bumps on My Teeth Near the Gumline

Hello. I used to brush my teeth very roughly. As a result (I think), I have a lot of notches or bumps on my teeth along the gumline of my teeth. I put “I think” in parentheses because when I mentioned this to a friend of mine who is a dental hygienist, she said the bumps on my teeth are probably from TMJ. Is this true? Will these bumps cause more problems with my teeth, like stains and cavities? Will I eventually need dental crowns? How can I get rid of the bumps? Thank you. Miguel


Thank you for contacting Radiant Smiles in Rocky Hill about the bumps on your teeth.

What Causes Bumps on Your Teeth?

Recent studies show that biting stress or bruxism is the most likely cause of bumps or notches on your teeth near the gumline, as opposed to aggressive brushing. According to a dentalcare.com article on the clinical signs of bruxism, you or your dentist may notice the following:

  • Worn tooth edges
  • Tooth flexing that leaves scoops or notches
  • Chips
  • Breaks
  • Cracks
  • Fractures

Identifying the Cause of Bumps on Your Teeth

Diagram of the side of a skull with the TMJ jaw joint and ligament, dsik, condyle highlighted
TMJ disorder and related symptoms can result from teeth grinding

An experienced dentist can examine and x-ray your teeth to identify the cause of the notches or bumps on your teeth. Rather than using cosmetic dentistry immediately to cover the imperfections, the dentist will determine how to minimize them. Still, it is unlikely that you will need treatment as aggressive as dental crowns to conceal the bumps. If you grind or clench your teeth, the dentist will recommend a custom night guard to reduce the pressure and protect your teeth.

We recommend scheduling an appointment with a cosmetic dentist with advanced TMJ training to explore whether you grind your teeth. The dentist will also ask questions to determine if you have TMJ symptoms, including headaches, earaches, or jaw pain.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut, cosmetic dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski sponsors this post.

Why Does My Root Canal Tooth Hurt After Weeks of Antibiotics?

My second molar root canal tooth still hurts, although my dentist completed the root canal in August of this year. My dentist prescribed antibiotics twice, but the tooth still hurts. The pain is severe when I chew. Should I ask her for more antibiotics, or is something else wrong? Thank you. Anita from Dover, DE


Thank you for choosing our office for your question.

Although Dr. Michalski would need to examine your tooth and x-rays for an accurate diagnosis, we can explain what may be happening.

What Causes Continued Pain After Root Canal Therapy?

Diagram of the side of a skull with the TMJ jaw joint and ligament, dsik, condyle highlighted
Stress on a tooth can irritate the jaw joint

Causes of pain after root canal therapy may include these factors:

  • Untreated root canals – Sometimes, a tooth has multiple or curved channels. The condition will persist if your dentist misses canals or cannot clear the infection from curved canals.
  • Infection in another tooth – Pain from another infected tooth can refer to the root canal tooth.
  • Irritation and inflammation – Clearing infection from a tooth can irritate it, leaving it inflamed and sensitive. It can take several weeks for the sensitivity to fade. A dentist may make a thin custom mouth guard to wear and night and relieve the pressure on the inflamed tooth. Otherwise, continued stress on the tooth can lead to jaw pain, earaches, headaches, and other TMJ symptoms.
  • Irritation from crown preparation– Removing tooth structure to prepare the tooth for a dental crown can irritate it. The irritation should improve gradually.

Questions to Ask to Determine the Source of Discomfort

An accurate diagnosis includes asking you these questions:

  • Is your discomfort better, worse, or the same after root canal therapy?
  • Do you feel sensitivity to heat or cold in the tooth?
  • Other than chewing, what triggers the pain?

Ask your dentist for an x-ray to ensure she cleaned the infection from all the canals. If canals are challenging to detect or reach, your dentist must refer you to an endodontist (root canal specialist) for further treatment. Specialists have tools designed to reach challenging canals.


Rocky Hill, Connecticut dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, sponsors this post.

Why Do I have Jaw Tightness and Speech Issues?

My lips, teeth, mouth, and jaw feel most comfortable when I wear a night guard. I wonder if I may need braces. I do not like my smile because my upper teeth barely show when I smile. My jaw is tight, so some words are more difficult to pronounce.  Other than braces, what might be my treatment options? What should I ask for when I find a dentist? – Thank you. Doug from Salem, OR


Thank you for your questions. We are glad that you contacted Dr. Michalski’s office. Although he would need to examine your teeth and take x-rays, it sounds like you may have a collapsed bite, TMJ disorder, or both.

What Is Causing Your Jaw Tightness and Speech Issues?

Diagram of the side of a skull with the TMJ jaw joint and ligament, dsik, condyle highlighted
TMJ disorder may cause jaw tightness

You may have TMJ disorder when you experience jaw tightness and speech complications. A collapsed bite can cause some of your symptoms. You may require a combination of dental procedures to resolve the symptoms. We recommend scheduling an appointment with a dentist experienced in full-mouth reconstruction. After a comprehensive exam, your dentist will determine whether your discomfort is only TMJ-related or if other factors are involved.

Resolving your dental problems requires complex restorative dentistry, but a dentist with advanced training can do it. The dentist’s adjustments to your bite should relieve your pain, improve your smile, and resolve your concerns with your speech. Opening your bite may require provisional restorations until a dentist achieves success in restoring your dental health. Afterward, the dentist will use a ceramist to make your final restorations. Your treatment options may include:

  • Orthodontics
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental implants if you have missing teeth

We emphasize the importance of finding two dentists with advanced training in consultation, checking their reviews, and ensuring they do not have disciplinary actions from the state dental board. You will require complex, intricate dental work that requires great skill. Schedule a consultation with each dentist to discuss your concerns and treatment options.


Rocky Hill, Connecticut cosmetic dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, sponsors this post.

Do I Need a TMJ Dentist to Fix My Crown?

I think I need to see a TMJ dentist or specialist about my crown. I got the crown in late February, and I’ve had problems ever since. My dentist has made “adjustments” five times, but my bite is off, and I have jaw and neck pain. I didn’t have these problems in the past, so I know it must be the crown. My dentist said he did everything that he could and that the bite paper looks like everything is even. So why am I still having pain? Should I see a TMJ specialist even though I know the crown is really the problem? Thanks. Amanda from Fairfax, VA


Thank you for your question.

A dentist with advanced training and skill can ensure your bite is aligned correctly. A dentist needs to understand jaw anatomy and how it affects your bite. A poor-fitting crown can cause or worsen TMJ symptoms. A dentist trained to diagnose and treat TMJ can help.

Your dentist may lack the additional training required to ensure your bite is correctly aligned. Repeated adjustments sometimes work, but they can also make things worse. If a dentist adjusts a crown too much, it will not connect with the opposite tooth.

Why See a TMJ Dentist?

Diagram of the side of a skull with the TMJ jaw joint and ligament, dsik, condyle highlighted
A dental crown that does not fit well can cause TMJ symptoms

If you see a TMJ dentist, they will examine your crown and jaw joint to determine the optimum crown position.

  • After five attempts to adjust your bite, you need a second opinion if your dentist still has not resolved the problem.
  • You may be biting incorrectly or moving your mouth in a way that compensates for the poor bite. If so, it can stress your jaw muscles and joints. Your TMJ problems will continue to progress until a dentist corrects your bite.
  • Depending on what your dentist did to adjust your bite, you might need a new crown. But a correctly aligned bite will save you discomfort, pain, and money for the long term.

Schedule an appointment for a consultation with a least two different TMJ dentists. Check their training and credentials before you make the appointments.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut dentist Dr. Thaddeus Michalski, sponsors this post.