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Advanced general and cosmetic dentistry
delivered with complete comfort.
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Comprehensive Family Dentistry

Dr. Thaddeus S. Michalski has been practicing dentistry since 2001, and he understands the importance of finding a trusted professional to care fora family holding pictures of smiles you and your family’s dental needs. As a family dentist in Rocky Hill, he and his team offer comprehensive care ranging from preventive services to restorative, cosmetic, and even sedation dentistry. You can feel confident knowing that your family’s oral health is in great hands with Dr. Michalski and his team. To schedule an appointment, call us today!


Everyone has differing opinions when it comes to whether you and your family should all see the same dentist. While some are strong proponents of children seeing a pediatric dentist, there are great benefits to having everyone see the same dental professional. Listed below are just a few of thea woman receiving dental care many benefits you can expect from seeing a family dentist:

  • You’ll save time by avoiding unnecessary trips across town to different dental offices for different appointments.
  • You’ll also save money because of the additional gas you won’t need to put in your car to make as many trips.
  • Scheduling that makes it easier for you to manage.
  • You’ll have the comfort of knowing your children and partner are receiving the same level of quality dental care as you.
  • There is a wide range of services, most of which can be performed in-house and without a referral.
  • A familiar face makes each visit more comfortable, safe, and secure.
  • Greater opportunity to lead by example for your children. The more they see you taking care of your oral health, the more they’ll want to as well.
  • All of your records stay in one place. This is especially important as your child grows older.


By the time your child is three years old, you should be scheduling them for an appointment. At this point, all of their primary teeth should be in, and it provides us the opportunity to become acquainted with your little one. We know the dentist office can be an intimated or even scary place for young children, which is why we strive to make these early appointments as calm and comfortable as possible. We also work to help your child becomea mother teaching her baby to brush better acclimated to our office and deliver gentle, safe, soothing dental care.

From the moment you bring them in for their first visit, we will carefully check their teeth and gums to ensure no problems are present (i.e. decay, bite misalignment) and everything is developing as it should. We will most likely recommend dental sealants and fluoride treatments to add an additional layer of protection to your child’s young teeth and provide useful tips to help and encourage them to maintain good oral habits at home.


  • Children’s Dentistry
  • Checkups and Cleaningsa woman admiring her smile at the dentist
  • Dental Sealants
  • Athletic Mouthguards
  • Nightguards for Bruxism
  • Non-Surgical TMJ Treatment
  • Tooth Replacement Options
  • Invisalign
  • Tooth-Colored Fillings
  • Dental Crowns
  • Gum Disease Treatment
  • Sedation Dentistry